Blog Archives

Film Friday | Weekly Roundup

So seriously, I made a little online tour of the rep cinema’s last night to see what’s on offer this weekend, and felt very disappointed that I can’t go out to a silent film screening this week. The Toronto Silent Film Festival spoiled me! It might just be me and the dvds this weekend, folks. Despite my many silent film screenings this week, I still made time to scour the interwebs for you, dear readers. First, I want to say that over the week I collected a ton of links from The Cinementals and then I thought I should just tell you to follow The Cinementals. They’re doing an awesome job! Now, let’s get down to it. Here’s the best and the brightest the interwebs had to offer this week. Happy reading and happy viewing! Read the rest of this entry

Film Friday | Weekly Roundup

Wowee – is my feets sore from doing the Charleston with Joan Crawford in Our Dancing Daughters! Last night was the opening night of the Toronto Silent Film Festival and fabulous it was. But despite sipping bathtub gin til the wee hours of the morn, this jazz baby is hard at work this morning to bring you the best of the interwebs. That’s dedication my friends! Stay tuned for my review of Our Dancing Daughters and in the meantime you can amuse yourself with these links. And of course, leave some time to get yourself tickets to tonight’s screening of F.W. Murnau’s Tabu! Happy reading and happy viewing! Read the rest of this entry

Film School Rejects Offer up “A Trip to the Moon” by Georges Méliès

The marvelous feature “Short Film of the Day” over at filmschoolrejects offers up a tasty morsel of film everyday. I always look forward to watching the selection, but I was delighted today when they featured Georges Méliès“A Trip to the Moon.” If you care for silent film at all, you’ve probably seen this one, but it bears another watch (or twenty). How can a sci-fi flick made it 1902 still be so fresh?