Blog Archives

Film Friday | Weekly Roundup

Pretty Clever Film Gal’s fingers were flying all week to bring  you the Toronto Silent Film Festival preview this week, resulting in what may be the first ever silent film induced case of carpal tunnel syndrome. But don’t fret my pets, this did not slow me down from my self-appointed rounds of idly surfing the interwebs. Neither did the uncommonly sunny and warm March weather or the sudden reappearance of Speedo Guy in the courtyard. It continues to be a fine time to be a silent film and classic movies fan (thanks Mr. Hazanavicius!), so there’s a lot stuff to idly surf. Follow along and enjoy, and then get yourself on a disco nap schedule for the festival! Happy reading and happy viewing! Read the rest of this entry

Film Friday | Weekly Roundup

What a very exciting week it has been for silent movies and the people who blog about them. Suddenly, everyone wants to know more. It’s seems that an Best Picture Oscar win for the The Artist has confirmed this whole silent movie thing isn’t just a flash in the pan for the public. Everyone wants in on the action, up to and including the Winnipeg public library. Today is a great day for the newly initiated to dip a toe into the wild world of silent movies, since we have both a grave robbing and marriage scandal to look back on. See it’s way more interesting than you may have thought, huh? At any rate, here’s the silent movies doings and shakings. Happy reading and happy viewing! Read the rest of this entry

Film Friday | Weekly Roundup

Now here we are, almost at the big moment. The Oscars air this Sunday and the question on every silent film fans lips is “Will it or won’t it?” This year is such a silent film bonanza, we have the silent related Hugo as a back up to the actually silent The Artist. Just a gentle reminder, if The Artist takes the prize on Sunday, it will only be the second time that a silent film has scored a Best Picture award. The first silent film to do so was also the first Best Picture winner, Wings. So, will it or won’t it? We’ll see. Now for the Film Friday Weekly Roundup – the all news edition! Happy reading and happy viewing! Read the rest of this entry

Film Friday | Weekly Roundup

So, first thing this morning, my computer informs me it has VERY IMPORTANT updates to install and would like to install them NOW. I said, no, no… I have a Friday Film Roundup post to write and politely asked it to just hold its horses. Then, when the post was near completed, poof! The computer refuses to wait any longer and shuts down. Well, crud (or something slightly saltier). The good news: I didn’t lose the post! When my obstinate coworker, Mr. HP, finally rebooted, my draft was patiently waiting for me. So I know it’s going to be a fine Friday, with luck and sunshine raining down on me. So let’s get on with! Here’s come good stuff from the interwebs. Happy reading and happy viewing! Read the rest of this entry

Film Friday | Weekly Roundup

Whoa, yet another week down. Tick tick tick. The confusing Toronto weather (Hello there Spring!) doesn’t help matters at all. Did I just not leave the house for four months? No, no – it’s just global warming. And still I dream of a 7 foot snow which apparently isn’t going to fall. Oh well. Despite the sunny skies and the balmy temperatures, I remain shackled to my laptop, with digital inkstained fingers, scouring the interwebs for the best silent & classic movie bits and bobs. Why? So you don’t have to. Happy reading and happy viewing! Read the rest of this entry